Saturday, August 1, 2009

We Came, We Showed, We Conquered!

Okay, so the whole Longeline experience isn't exactly what I had hoped it would be, we still brought home blue ribbons under each judge and it looks like we are the leading contender for winning the Longeline Jackpot Futurity at the final show of the series, in addition to bolstering our points lead in the Year End High Point race for both Arabian/Half-Arabian Halter and Late Yearlings Halter (the latter class we won unanimously).

I am sure some of you are wondering about the Longeline class, and I can only say that sometimes baby horses can be so dang unpredictable and sometimes they like to play. A lot! Sigh. She was fairly good, trouble was she had just decided enough was enough by the time the Longeline class was called, and that proved to be a challenge in keeping her focused on the job at hand.

My student who competed in the Walk/Trot division had a really nice show, too, bringing home two first places and four second places, to secure Reserve High Point of the day. She would likely have won the big prize had there not been the most adorable little girl riding an out of control pony who seemed to want to follow my student's horse everywhere, including circling and reversing. Poor mare was starting to look almost panicked, as if to say "Help me, that pony is following me!". Horses. Never a dull moment!

Tomorrow I'll have the grand total tally of our winnings at today's show. It was pretty impressive and I am just so honored and thrilled to have such fabulous, incredible friends and clients in this industry, both locally and otherwise. You all make my job so worthwhile, and are such an inspiration!

Good's been a long day. :)



  1. So, you say Longeline wasn't what you hoped it would be, so what was it like? Did the judging truly reflect what the requirements are SUPPOSED to be?
    Of course, babies will play--their attention spans are short--I'm sure the other babies in the class were the same.
    Glad the Palo filly did well, congratulations!

  2. wasn't what I had hoped only because the filly was naughty and did not want to be a good girl. She had already been in three Halter classes (I have her owners convinced that next show she needs to compete in fewer classes) and by the time the LL class came around, she was not a happy girl. A lot of the youngsters on these circuits are used to the class or aren't as hot headed as this girl is! She's very temperamental, but her mother is a snorty, hot English mare and her QH sire is known for his foals inheriting a bit of an obnoxious temperament.

    Thanks for the congrats, we are still worn out! :)

  3. Sounds like a good time was had by all.


  4. Thanks a million MB!!

    We all had a great time, from myself/hubby/daughter, to our clients (both those who competed or had horses showing and those who just stopped by for moral support and to be our cheering section), to our friends in the sponsoring club and the terrific folks that run the show who have been longtime friends and supporters of ours.

    In all, a great day! :)

  5. Where ARE the pictures? I demand pictures.

    Glad you had a great day.

  6. Everybody arrived home sound and healthy? No weirdo's accosting you? No one in tears? It's a good day.
    I'm happy to read the accounts of you day.

  7. Hey BH, thanks! Glad to have you here...and pictures are forthcoming!

    My daughter has some pics on her camera, and a couple of clients took pictures on their cameras, but I'm awaiting emails from them with the pics. So they will be up as soon as I can get them up!! Promise. Seriously. :)

  8. Well Kaede, mentions of "weirdos accosting us" are a little bit timely, but I'm not going to get into it on the blog. This isn't a negative place, this is a place for sharing, enjoying and learning from each other. :)

    But yes it was a good day, we all had a blast, everyone is home, sound, healthy and happy ~ and most of all, we can all hardly wait to go do it again. Next show on the calendar is September 20th. That one is going to be a whole lot busier than this one was!! Last time we went to a show put on by that club, we took twelve horses instead of just two... :-/

  9. This wasn't about "The Other Blog" but just about weirdo's in general. In my (admittedly limited) experience, horse show seem to attract weirdo's. Much like parenting little kids, or gardening in community garden plots, it is a interactive spectator sport.
    Why don't you try a slow twist snaffle (wool diaper covers, fennel) you WILL like the result. Here let me change out your bit (kids diaper, plant fennel) for you.
    Most don't take "No thank you, I'm happy the way it is" for an answer.

  10. Actually I wasn't referring to The Other Blog either. :) I was referring to someone who has close ties to a prominent individual on The Other Blog attending the show we went to yesterday. Tied together, yes, but not entirely about things that have transpired on The Other Blog. Anyone can feel free to email me if the need or desire arises to have a more in depth discussion on that subject. :)


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