Sunday, April 25, 2010

Fun, Fun and More Fun!

I know, I know, I blew it in my attempt to start making blog posts regularly again. There just aren't enough hours in the day!

Yesterday our ETI Corral 88 group took about a dozen or so horses to the Mustang Spirit Horse Rescue 3rd Annual Playday, plus we had a booth there to let folks know who we are, what we're all about and how to become a member of our fabulous group. We had so much fun! Thanks go out to all the folks who helped man the booth talking to everyone and a very special thanks to Tania and all connected with Mustang Spirit. What a wonderful day!!

Between the four horses we brought, the tally was six first places, five second places and two third places in nine classes. My daughter competed on a beautiful relatively green buckskin Quarter Horse gelding and won a couple of second place ribbons (Gelding Halter and Walk/Jog Western Pleasure), and I took home the blue ribbon on the same horse in both the In Hand Trail and the Advanced Trail classes. These were timed events with a plethora of obstacles, some of which our horses had never seen before.

A couple of weeks ago I had also been asked to judge the Western and English Pleasure classes, which was a very tough call. I was extremely impressed at all of the horses, though the divisions were small. Many were rescue horses, and they all represented the quality available in rescue.

All in all we had a great time and the success was just icing on the cake. :)



  1. I had hoped to get out to Mustang Spirit to catch some of the playday/show but sadly there are not enough hours in the day (OR Saturdays in the week ;o) Sounds like everyone had a great time and I hope the Rescue made some money. Worthy causes abound, it seems, when horses are involved. Good job on the ribbons for SunLit Training Center!

  2. Good job to all! Sounds like you are impossibly busy and exhausted before it is all done. Have fun! (and I certainly WOULD not want to be a judge for anything!)


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