Saturday, July 24, 2010

RIP, Beautiful Lady

Yesterday one of my favorite horses on planet Earth was laid to rest. Her devoted owners have spent untold thousands of dollars over the past five years doing everything in their power to avoid the inevitable, making sure she had the best possible life any horse could ask for. This wasn't the return to blogging I had hoped for, and the topic I was working on for today will have to wait.

Rest in peace, lovely girl...

Ravishing Ruby GA
(GA Suede X GA Estrella)
Chestnut Arabian Mare
1994 - 2010



  1. RIP to a beautiful mare ,it's never easy to se them go.

  2. Thanks Fern, she will truly be missed and was a huge part of not only the family who owned her, but of our extended four-legged family. A very special mare, indeed.

  3. She was sos pretty--but most Arabs are! Glad you are back--again.

  4. I don't know how I missed this comment, but thanks Phaedra. Her family is blessed that they have her beautiful daughter, who's going to be under saddle next year. :)


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