Thursday, November 26, 2009

What I Am Thankful For...

This year I have so very much to be thankful for.

My wonderful husband; kind, patient, understanding, supportive and hard working.

My amazing daughter; sweet, talented, beautiful, giving and intelligent.

My terrific family; helpful, protective, knowledgeable, loyal and fun loving.

My tremendous clients; I couldn't ask for a better group of people behind me ~~ you are all the best of the best.

My phenomenal horses; I am truly blessed to have such magnificent horseflesh in my life ~~ the love you give me will always be returned a thousand-fold.

And not least of all, my incredible friends; without you I am nothing ~~ thank you from the bottom of my heart for always believing in me.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone.



  1. Have a Happy Thanksgiving yourself. It is beautiful outside and a wonderful day to enjoy a wonderful meal (with plenty of leftovers ;o) and to reflect on the year past and the excitement of what lies ahead.

    I have enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading it every day. Keep up the good work. ;o)

  2. Thank you so very much!!

    Each year at this time, every year since 1978, is very difficult around our home. My father passed away the night before Thanksgiving that year. Having family and friends around becomes to much more important when we reflect.

    There is so much to look forward to in 2010.

    It is indeed a beautiful day here!! My plans include heading out on a warm, sunny trail ride with some dear friends while the turkey is in the oven. :) :)

    Nothing better than life experienced from the back of a beautiful horse!!


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