Friday, May 14, 2010

Good News...And Other Things

Yes, because of my schedule lately I have been lax again about the blog. There's another week or this and then I should have more time...maybe.

First up, we are moving!! The most wonderful thing happened, and we could not be more thrilled. Not moving far away, simply further into lovely Pinon Hills. Nothing could have made us happier! We have been given a golden opportunity of a lifetime.

Then, Ruby's eye treatment: Her ulcer is getting a whole lot smaller, it's a fraction of the size it was and she is really getting around well. With any luck, she will be fully recovered and bred to Magic Aulrab later this Summer.

Next, today several new horses come into training. Business just continues to increase and I'm feeling so blessed.

Also, yesterday the Andalusian/TB filly wore a saddle for the first time. She was a champ!! Then we led her through some of the elements on the Cowboy Course at the ranch and she dealt with it like she was an old hand. What a good girl!

Finally, we are thoroughly busy with ETI Corral 88, the Tri-Community Horsemen. The club continues to welcome new members which is awesome. Our used tack sale will be on Saturday, May 29th and our first trail ride will be on Sunday, June 6th. Flyers for the events are on the Corral 88 website at

Thanks to you all for hanging in there and sticking with reading the blog. We're maintaining our readership numbers even with a lack of posts. Hopefully once we get settled into our beautiful new home I can rest a bit and feel like I can stay awake long enough to give ya'll some great reading material.

Until then...



  1. Congrats on the move to the new place . ANd don't worry so much about how often you post . Its your place to do with what you choose

  2. Thanks Fern...greatly appreciated on both counts. :)

  3. No matter how much you plan, moving is a nightmare! No matter how much you organize, there will be that one object you will spend six days searching for, replace and find six months later just where it should be!!! Have fun!

  4. I'm not a fan of moving either. Moved from a house I owned for 30 years (and had 30 years' of "stuff" that I thought I cleaned out pretty good before we hauled out. Wrong). ;o)

    Anyway, good luck on the move! And I hope the new place has room for everything going on in your busy lives including room for more horses in training!

    As for the lack of posts, I check in with Blogger Dashboard every day and don't miss a single one.

  5.'s been Hellaciously busy around here!! Hopefully we'll be fully moved by the end of this week with the horses settled in at our new home. :)


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