Monday, December 14, 2009

Hip Hip Hooray!!

Just wanted to put up a brief post about what's been going on in the equestrian community locally and update our area readers. Then we'll get to the heart of tonight's subject matter in a whole other post. As to the title of this post? Things are moving and shaking in the Tri Community (Phelan, Pinon Hills, Wrightwood)! That's not a bad thing, it doesn't have a bit to do with the earthquake fault our lovely community sits on. ;)

On Sunday our local horsemens association, Tri Community Corral (soon to be ETI Corral 88 pending final approval), held a get together celebrating the National Day of the Horse ~ designated by Congress as December 13th ~ and elected our 2010 board of directors. I have been named President for the upcoming year and wish to send out many thanks for all the faith shown in me by this incredible group of equestrians. We have many events in the works, including trail rides and a high point horse show series among other things. The club's new website is Tri Community Corral.

Tonight, a large group of us in the local equestrian community attended a meeting of the Phelan Pinon Hills Community Services District Citizens Advisory Committee on Parks to discuss the planning and development of a brand new 80 acre park in Phelan. I was asked to be on the Equestrian Subcommittee and graciously accepted. It is an honor to be able to represent our vibrant equestrian community and work alongside the amazing, dedicated folks who are working so hard to make this park a reality for our community.

I want to issue a heartfelt thank you to everyone who has expressed such faith in me. I will definitely make you all proud! :)



  1. Congratulations, and I know you will do a fantastic job! As soon as I'm available for driving around (and doing stuff besides housework--eeuuw--done slowly with one arm ;o), I would love to be part of ETI 88. Sounds like a lot of fun for the Tri Communities horse folk.

    Also, the Equestrian Center for Phelan/Pinon Hills may finally become a reality! This has been on the minds of area riders for years, and your membership on the Equestrian Subcommittee is another plus. Way to go!!

    (And tell me: What exactly do you do with all your spare time?? ;o)

  2. Thank you so much!!

    We are very excited about the prospects for getting this park off the ground and building the facility. They were tossing around the idea of having a covered or indoor arena as well, which would be awesome (and the park site is only about ten to fifteen minutes away from us on horseback at most, another plus), but I think we would be happy at first with just a show arena, a smaller warmup arena and a parking/staging area for trucks and trailers.

    On the ETI club, check our website for upcoming meetings though I believe we decided last night we need to change the next meeting date, because it coincides with one of the PPHCSD meetings at the Phelan Community Center.

    Spare time...what's that?? Sort of like spare money I suppose, not that I've ever seen any of that, either... ;)

  3. I agree with your "happy at first" list of arenas and parking areas. May I add my plug about good footing? Too many of the show sites for my particular discipline offer show and warmup arenas with footing that is just "scrape and get rid of the biggest rocks." Footing maintenance is another very important item. If you pay for the footing, you don't want it to blow away. ;o)

  4. Oh absolutely! I can't think of a single area arena with decent footing, and many of those "down the hill" are equally as bad. That one is at the top of my list! Also, making it as dust free as possible plus having a good watering system and a good tractor with proper implements to maintain it for shows.

    Keep giving the feedback and we will make sure it is discussed and presented at the Subcommittee meeting and integrated into our comments and proposal to the Parks Advisory Committee and the CSD Board!


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